Redline infostealer gathers information and steals high value data from an infected machine. The Redline infostealer is considered one of the most dangerous malware currently being used in the wild and has been used in countless trojanized software, applications, games and cracked software. In addition to data exfiltration, Redline also has the capability to connect to a command and control (C2) server to download, upload files as well as perform remote commands.
After establishing a connection with the C2, Redline begins to profile the host to harvest information including usernames, installed languages, installed programs, running processes, anti-virus programs, geolocation, IP addresses, MAC address and more.
It then begins to exfiltrate valuable information stored on the host such as: sensitive files, login credentials, cookies, credit card details, auto-fill fields, credentials of crypto wallets, credentials of VPN clients (NordVPN, ProtonVPN, OpenVPN etc.), gaming clients, instant messengers (Discord, Telegram) and credentials of FTP clients such as FileZilla.
We first open the PE file extracted from the resources section in the DLL from part 1 and load it into CFF explorer (Figure 1) for a high-level overview of the executable. We can see that the original file name for this sample is Floribunda.exe. This name was previously found and associated with previous Redline infostealer variants. At the time of writing, VirusTotal showed us that 44 AVs recognises this file as malware (VirusTotal).

From the source code snippet in Figure 2, the malware queries the website hxxps://api[.]ip[.]sb/ip* to obtain information including network interface information, public IP address of the machine as well as geolocation such as country and zip code.

The Redline stealer contains an Arguments module that contains the C2 IP address and Botnet ID. There is also a key in plaintext that is used for encrypting the C2 IP and Botnet ID. The config information is stored in variables as base64 encoded strings. Decoding the base64 encoded strings results in encrypted strings, which we can decrypt by applying the XOR function with the hard-coded key “Reshipment” (UTF8). We then base64 decode the output again to obtain the C2 IP and port: “”

Decryption of C2 IP
The Botnet ID, which helps malware operators identify the associated campaign, can be decrypted in a similar way to get “Rufus_2”.
Within the BrEx module of redline stealer, a large block of base64 encoded text was found. Decoding the text returns a full list of all the cryptocurrency wallets that the malware is searching for. The full list includes Metamask, Mathwallet, Coinbase, Bravewallet, NifyWallet, Authenticator, TempleWallet.
Analysing the ConnectionProvider module, it provides insights on how the C2 server works using the NET.TCP protocol. For this particular sample, the CertificateValidationMode is set to X509CertificateValidationMode.None. There is also a variable named “value” (line 40) that is used in the MessageHeader during the initial connection with the C2 server. This is used for authorization and is combined with “Authorization” and “ns1” to create a message header. The “address” variable that is being called in this module is the IP address “” found in the C2 config and can be seen in the local variables section while debugging.

The malware also includes a SystemInfoHelper module, which has host profiling functionalities that collects and exfiltrates an extensive list of information. Figure 6 shows what specifically is being targeted.

In the Filesearcher module of Redline, the malware explores the filesystem to specifically target the directories: Windows, Program Files, Program Files (x86) and Program Data (see Figures 7 and 8).

The malware uses the Enumerate Directories and GetFiles methods to search for specific files and directories:

In the SystemInfohelper, the stealer collects the Windows OS version by querying the registry subkey SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion.

The countries listed in the “RegionsCountry” variable shown Figure 11, are specific countries where the malware is prevented from execution. The infostealer determines the location by comparing the public IP address and geolocation data collected during its enumeration. It should be noted that these countries in this list were former Soviet Union countries.

It was also discovered that strings are encoded to the format Windows-1251- which is an 8-bit character encoding designed to cover languages that use the Cyrillic script such as Russian and Ukrainian.

Within the CommandLineUpdate module (Figure 13), the strings “cstringmstringd” and “/ProcessC” convert to “cmd /c” which provides the malware operators to update tasks using the command line within the injected process via remote execution from the C2 server.

Beaconing to C2 and Remote Execution
For this particular payload, Redline infostealer uses Windows Communication Framework’s relatively new TCP-based network protocol (net.tcp://) for C2 communication.
More specifically, the stealer uses a Service Contract called “Entity”, 17 data contracts and 24 Operation contracts. The Data Contracts, e.g Entity1, Entity2, etc. , are used to define the structures that store information related to different types of data that has been collected and the Operation contracts are used to define the functionality of the service.
The command IDs for the Data contracts and the Operation contracts are used to exfiltrate data that falls under a variety of different categories such as languages, defenders, hardware, software, browsers, etc. This is useful to the C2, as it can then easily parse the received information and send back a corresponding configuration file.

Although Redline stealer has been known to historically use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP, this latest Redline variant implements SOAP data over NET.TCP port sharing protocol. The Net.TCP protocol is based on .NET Message Framing Protocol, a mechanism for framing messages. This protocol is great for bi-directional messaging and Redline seems to have exploited this feature to send and receive communications from the infected device.
To exfiltrate information or receive further instructions, Redline Stealer opens a TCP connection to a configured C2 server, in this case (TCP). This new change was most likely made to increase the difficulty of identifying and analysing the malware’s C2 interactions.
The use of NET.TCP also makes the traffic appear to be less malicious.

Dumping the process and viewing the contents in IDA shows that the Applaunch process was indeed attempting to connect to the C2 server using net.tcp (see Figure 17). The following shows how the Applaunch process is trying to start a connection to the C2 via “net.tcp://”.

Within the infostealer, there also contains an “UpdateCheck” module, which allows data to be downloaded and uploaded from the hardcoded URL.
Examining a packet capture the ThreatSpike SOC team collected from an infected machine establishing a connection and receiving instructions from the C2 (Figure 19), the network communications with the C2 can be analysed. It can seen that infostealer has been instructed by the C2 configuration file to search and extract the cookies and sessions from several browsers, stored passwords in browsers, cryptocurrency wallets (including Armory, Binance, Exodus wallet) and is also looking for specific cryptocurrencies such as Monero and Ethereum.

The C2 server sends the device the necessary configuration, see Figure 19.

Detection and Prevention
Now that we’ve identified the key functionality of this variant, the next question is how would we be able to detect or prevent this attack?
Firstly, it is important to ensure users look out for malicious ads when using search engines. Phishing campaigns on Google Ads can take various forms. For example, they may involve creating fake ads that impersonate legitimate companies or brands in order to trick users into providing personal information or clicking on malware-laden links. Additionally, phishers may also use Google Ads to redirect users to fake websites that are designed to steal login credentials or other sensitive information. To protect yourself from these types of attacks, it is important to be cautious when clicking on ads, especially with threat actors leveraging Search Engine Optimisation to ensure that their ads appear at the top of search results, spoofing download pages of legitimate software.
It is also important to always make sure that the domain name is correct before downloading software. Additionally, ensure a reputable anti-virus software solution is installed on your devices, always keep software up to date and consider a managed service provider for your business.
It is not uncommon for malware developers to inflate their executables by padding files with bytes that do not affect the functionality of the file. An example would be the NOP byte 0x90 or the null byte 0x00. This can be detected by looking either in the overlay if the size of the overlay is unusually large or looking for sections with very low entropy. Building detections that focus on identifying data collection would also be very useful.
One measure users can take is to avoid storing passwords in the browser. Instead, it is safer to store passwords in a standalone password manager application and enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA). One should also consider preventing the initial NET.TCP connection to the C2 from being made, which can be done by disabling NET.TCP on workstations and would hinder the exfiltration process.
Network Connections
- hxxp://45[.]143[.]201[.]7/typedef.struct_WIN32_MEMORY_RANGE_ENTRY2_Ydoybbga[.]jpg
- net.tcp[:]//[:]39456/
- hxxps://api[.]ip[.]sb/ip
IP Traffic
- (TCP)
- (TCP)
- (TCP)